
Introducing fitbook™ - the personalised, flexible and functional line of fitness and nutrition journals that offer a unique 12-week system to plan for success, track your progress, and reach your goals.

‘Write it down, make it happen’ is the mantra of fitbook. According to the stats, 76% of fitbook users lose weight within the first 12 weeks.

In addition to the fitbook, fitlosophy also offers a 40-week fitbook mama2b for the expectant mum, fitbook junior for the wee ones, fitgear to sport your fitlosophy, and a complete line of fittools designed to support fitbookers in reaching their goals and measuring success.

From $29.95.

To view the entire collection and to buy online, please visit, Facebook or Twitter

Ok now I may be a little late on loosing this extra baby fat... Maybe a lotta bit late going onto 18 months now.
I was enjoying being a mum with my second child, and watching my girls grow and bond together. I totally let go of my body and diet and went for the more convenient approach to eating with meals that were quick and easy but very uneasy on the body. But you have to start somewhere, whether it’s diet, exercise or a total fitness plan. For me I have started to slowly change my diet into a more healthier smaller amounts diet.

And now I also have this amazing fit book. It allows you to jot down the exercise you do, and also measurement as well as a food planner. So you can look back and see how your diet has changed. You can also keep check and see the weight you lose, for me this is the biggest motivation, watching the kg's go lower and lower! I am still about 10kgs heavier then I was before falling pregnant but would settle for about 8kgs to drop off. 

It's a lot harder to work in exercise when you have two very active kids, so for me I work with them. We will go for a walk to the park where I'll do squats and lifts or something while they are playing. But I find for me just chasing them around and cleaning up after them and the house is enough exercise for me. Any more then that and I’m stuffed come 4pm when hubby gets home.

The thing I love most about this little health journal is that it's small enough to fit into your bag or the baby bag, so you can be sure to write every meal and every bit of exercise you do.

The fitbook also has a section for your goals. Now my goals aren't huge you need to start small and work from there. If you make yourself a huge goal that's not very achievable you are more likely to give up and fail. So now each week I have a goal to achieve. So far my weight loss stands at 3kg in just 4 weeks.